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Vetafarm Parrot Breeder Pellets

Product code:VF-PBP
from $29.50
Parrot Breeder Pellets
Breeding birds require extra nutrition to enable them to lay fertile eggs and rear healthy chicks.Parrot Breeder pellets contain extra protein,vitamins and minerals to support reproduction.By using a balanced diet your birds become healthier and so capable of sustained breeding.Parrot Breeder pellets have been designed to provide a total feed for breeding parrots.It should be fed as a total diet beginning approximately 6 weeks before  breeding season.Chicks in the nest will be fed the fortified diet by their parents so will have all the nutrition necessary for strong healthy developement.
Vetafarm Parrot Breeder Pellets : 2kg Code: VF-PBP2
Vetafarm Parrot Breeder Pellets : 10kg Code: VF-PBP10
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